Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan. She has complicated relationships with my girls Sylva and Ellas, having been the one to decide Sylva’s exile and also like a grandmother to Ellas. She always puts the needs of the Clan first, no matter the personal risk

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Virelai Lavellan, my sweet baby.

One of four unruly elvish children who used to drive Keeper Istimaethoriel mad roaming from camp in search of lost elven treasures.
The group use slings swung around to create howling sounds to communicate over long distances. 1/

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One of the things I love doing is telling stories. Today I told the story of Erthoriel and Lithel

To share her thoughts of her journey was a little way of handling how I feel at the moment

"She remembered every face of every friend she said goodbye to."

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We're live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E55 - Mote of Darkness

Erthoriel reaches out to the dryad Iyendil to see if she has learned anything from the shadowed stone and deals with the mundane concerns of owning a Sawmill

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We're live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E51 - Shadowed Memories

Seeing Maya's ring in Tang's hand, and gifted a stone of her greatest desire, Erthoriel must seek a path forward

The path of Loss
Or the path of Danger

With either path, she will know suffering

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Fractured Thrones - S02E51 - Shadowed Memories

Seeing Maya's ring in Tang's hand, and gifted a stone of her greatest desire, Erthoriel must seek a path forward

The path of Loss
Or the path of Danger

With either path, she will know suffering

7:00 PM PST

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We're Live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E50 - Shadowlands

After the Amdir Barad visits Erthoriel, she plans to investigate the mysterious stone that found its way to her. The Heart of Darkness beats in Erthoriel's hand

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Fractured Thrones - S02E50 - Shadowlands

After the Amdir Barad visits Erthoriel, she plans to investigate the mysterious stone that found its way to her. The Heart of Darkness beats in Erthoriel's hand

7:00 PM PST

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We're live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E49.5 Meanwhile Pt 2 - Days Go On

As the brave of Adwick battle in Oakenbrook, Erthoriel and Lithel enjoy their newly acquired tea and contemplate the enteral war that once more claims Aariland

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Fractured Thrones - S02E49.5 Meanwhile Pt 2 - Days Go On

As the brave of Adwick battle in Oakenbrook, Erthoriel and Lithel enjoy their newly acquired tea and contemplate the enteral war that once more claims Aariland

7:00 PM PST

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Fractured Thrones - S02E49.5 Meanwhile - Days Go On

As the brave of Adwick battle in Oakenbrook, Erthoriel and Lithel enjoy their newly acquired tea and contemplate the enteral war that once more claims Aariland

7:00 PM PST

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We're Live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E40 - Training

Erthoriel trains with the conscripts in the use of the Short Sword and prepares for the defense of Oakenbrook

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We're Live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E39 - Life before Death

Erthoriel resumes collecting the materials needed to survive departure from Adwick - Arrows and Honey

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Fractured Thrones - S02E39 - Life before Death

Erthoriel resumes collecting the materials needed to survive departure from Adwick - Arrows and Honey

7:00 PM

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We're live!

Fractured Thrones - S02E31 - In Motion

With Travis and Erthoriel returned, life returns to the normal day-to-day concerns of a kingdom under siege. She continues to ready to depart the doomed homeland of free humans

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Fractured Thrones - S02E31 - In Motion

With Travis and Erthoriel returned, life returns to the normal day-to-day concerns of a kingdom under siege. She continues to ready to depart the doomed homeland of free humans

7:00 PM

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