If you’re looking for a simple for the very youngest children we recommend this one by 🥞🥙👩🏽‍🍳 It’s filled with lovely children can enjoy making with an adult including pancakes, smoothies, baked apples and gingerbread paws!

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Tigger Club News Article:
Are we a nation of tea drinkers?
Read my full article here:

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Sergio loves his tea, but he needs the right ambience to drink it in! ☕😁 want to make more finished illustrations of my characters so here's my first step!

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Happy ! Another favourite day of mine!! Tea is the best! This was a gift for a teacher last year.....I'd like to do more like this I think 🤔☕🥄🌺💖

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Happy Wednesday! So besides working on all the crazy mythical creatures I have now completed two more teacher gifts! Thanks again for all your kindness❤️

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4 o’clock so more reflective freehand pen (no pencil and just going with the first line!) colour schemes for cheer and to reflect the weather !

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as 4 o’clock! What or mug to use? or cup and saucer! (as per freehand pen ...

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It's Thursday tea time with Shimo! 🌸🍵

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! I think an mug this afternoon to make me smile and as the is shining ! Freehand with pens (no pencil to just go with that first line) to reflect !

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now, as a massive fan, this is a very favourite mug -moomins at the riviera! A little speedy to reflect the mug (no pencil so no chance to erase and all freehand) - !

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I know! It’s not like any of my other art 😖 This year the most important lesson I learned is that negative feelings are okay. Allow yourself to be sad, like any other emotion it too will pass. Bottling it up makes it worse

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