Ermmmmmmmmmm hello tma community (no spoilers pelase im only on season 2)

13 38

I have So many freaking WIPS AND I DON’T WANNA FINISH ANY ! Can they finish themselves, please ?!

2 15

в нього шорти в яких батя на рибалку їздить і якісь дибільні неонові кроси i love him

10 56

POV: youre Martin trying to get advice about your oblivious co-worker from your also oblivious co-workers

92 566

His swagless look and cringe fail personality have captivated me so I drew him in a skirt
(+ bonus Tim)

31 87

CW // eyestrain
"And when it all goes wrong, I'm going out swinging"

4 28

i wasn't planning on drawing tim today (or any time soon tbh) but sometimes you just get ✨inspired✨


4 17

✨💖 Drawing characters at a 3/4 angle my beloved 💖✨

To celebrate starting to work on the animation project, here is the only picture of Tim I have drawn so far 😂 I will be modifying this design, but this is the starting point! Very exciting!

3 13

I think about the season 3 finale a lot

0 0