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Gonna join too, why not.
Some designs concepts i did.
Sinraptor, Timurlengia, Atrociraptor and Bagarataan.
Timurlengia, an early tyrannosauroid that helped show the world that brains were initially more important than brawn for tyrannosaurs. Maybe there’s a lesson here. #TyrannosaurTuesday #dinosaurs #paleontology
Despite being only known from fragmentary remains, Timurlengia may have been 3 to 4 meters long, however these remains are also from a subadult, meaning that fully grown adults would have been larger than this estimate.
Timurlengia euotica: a new asian tyrannosauroid described by @SteveBrusatte https://t.co/FUsSTTapb2 #FossilFriday
ウズベキスタン9千万年前のティラノサウルス上科 Timurlengia euotica。1.7億年前ジュラ中期の祖先と白亜後期T-REX の2千万年の間を埋める。体は馬位だが脳は発達 https://t.co/9isN65Z3zp