Just got my preorders in with for and

I‘ll grab a bit later to pace budget.

Keep in mind that preorder windows for all 3 of these releases will close on the same day (March 27th).

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Worlds are set to collide as best doggo Caesar from 's lands in the world of and em'barks' on a FREE DLC quest to save the world on Nintendo Switch and PC from tomorrow!

57 184


0 1

Feelin' sick but we're still gonna be playing some tactical good ness as we try out TINY METAL: FULL METAL RUMBLE cause I'd be sitting here playing anyway ! Let's check out this charming little indie live now! - https://t.co/xB5daZ9qJ0

0 13

Nathan, who inherit the will of a respected colonel and fights for world peace.
In : FULL METAL RUMBLE you can see his further growth.

Nathan looking for lost tech threatening peace, Wolfram looking for her brother, the fate of them entwine on the battlefield again!

0 7

To celebrate the launch of Nishimura-san (of OCTOPATH Traveller fame) created a TINY METAL: FULL METAL RUMBLE battle scene in the spiritual style of Advance Wars!

Do you think this looks cool?

Please share with your friends and prepare for battle!

97 302

Wolfram's older brother Ragnar holds the key to the story of

However, new mysterious conflict arises as she closes in on her quarry.
Is Ragnar alive? What lies in the shadow of his disappearance?

On the 11th of July, a new dawn rises in the world of TINY METAL!

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Here's one of our new unit icons! What do you think? Do you think it's close depiction of our Metal unit? C&C welcome :)

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TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)をプレイいただいた皆様、開発・リリースにご協力いただいた皆様。本年は大変お世話になりました。来年も尽力してまいりますので何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。皆様良いお年をお迎えください。

4 11

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! Thank you so much for making this year such a memorable one! All of you guys are special to us and we hope to continue to bring more of Tiny Metal awesomeness into your life! You Rock, Area 35~

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☆☆メリー・クリスマス☆☆TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)をリリース出来たこと、多くの方々に感謝しています!まだまだ未熟な私達ですが、TINY METAL共々よろしくお願いいたします!購入検討中の方もぜひ買ってください・ω・

16 24

Let's get to know some of your characters from ! LUJA LINDBERG: Lindberg paid a terrible price for his victory with the loss of his wife and children. Being a war comrade of Nathan’s father, Luja would see Nathan as his own son when he succeeded his father.

4 16

キャラ紹介④『TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)』士官学校時代からのネイサンの友人ダンテ・カーヴァー。メタルの操縦に長けており、その操縦技術は他国からも一目置かれています!面倒見がよく、多くの後輩が憧れる彼を演じるのはダンテ・カーヴァーさんご本人です・ω・

17 31

キャラ紹介③『TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)』ジパング大名 九十九 五十六(ツクモ イソロク)。揺るぎない忠義を持ち、真実のみを見つめる男。義理堅く寡黙なツクモを津田健次郎さん に鋭く演じていただきました・ω・

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So the upcoming came coming out got pushed back into next month. Kinda sucks because I am a HUGE fan of the series and was hyped to see the spiritual successor be coming. I might even do a of one of the characters!.

6 13

キャラ紹介②『TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)』傭兵集団ホワイトファングの団長代行ヴォルフラム。合理的な彼女が、ある強い思いを秘めて戦場に臨んでいることを誰も知らない。運命が交錯しネイサンと行動するヴォルフラムを小松未可子さん に冷静に演じていただきました・ω・

18 24

キャラクター紹介①『TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)』主人公ネイサン・グリース。アルテミシアの若き少尉の彼は、大佐を探すべく戦場に身を投じます。運命に翻弄される正義あふれるネイサンを豊永利行さん に熱く演じていただきました!フルボイスでぜひ堪能してください・ω・

88 305

今秋発売予定のゲーム『TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)』#TINYMETAL で寡黙な武将、九十九五十六役として津田健次郎さん に出演頂きました!忠義あふれる九十九の戦いをぜひゲームでご堪能ください!

136 509

今秋発売予定のゲーム『TINY METAL(タイニーメタル)』#TINYMETAL で正義あふれる少尉、ネイサン役として豊永利行さん に出演頂きました!開催中の東京ゲームショーインディーゲームブースで一足先に運命を共にしましょう!!

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