L'année la plus chaude du siècle dernier, sera la plus fraîche des 100 prochaines années, à moins que nous ne décidions de la changer... Mais agissons-nous vraiment pour la changer !? 🤔#ClimateActionNow

16 31

Omg I can finally sit tf down… 🛍 😵#TiredEarth

0 0

Politicians start wars, But it is the youth that must fight and die.
War a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other. 😡

102 223

Character belongs to @/tiredearthling

1 8

the most heart wrenching aspects of the global water crisis is its disproportionate effect on children While politicians and officials are just talking and there is no news of action.

70 177

By 2025, an estimated 2 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of the world’s population living in water-stressed regions.

173 276

A "kakistocracy" is a system where the government is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. 😡

243 673

OceanAsia : Plus d'1,5 milliard de masques jetables dans les océans en 2020 !

49 75

A 6th extinction is very real & is unfortunately in progress!
The house is burning & during this time, we are spectators of the degradation of ecosystems!
The paw of Man in this extinction is palpable!

125 166