⭐️CocoPPa Dolls character introduction⑤⭐️
I will introduce "Vega"!
CV is ), and the character design is )!

Vega is a genius CocoDoll who can freely wear genderless fashion!
But there seems to be trouble with Vega ...Worrying

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⭐️#CocoPPaDolls character introduction④⭐️
Today, I will introduce "Porri"!
CV is ), and the character design is )!!

Porri is a maid who serves a person in Virgo!
She loves to take care of people, but some time is a bit outspoken (´-ω-`)

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Let me introduce the CocoPPa Dolls to you!
At first I’m Fennec, and call "Toni", "Antoine"!

CV is ), and the character design is )!

Those are well expressed I’m an intellectual person( ˘ω' ) ✧

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