is Over for

What an amazing week, I have really enjoyed all that have been shown, we've had Briefing→Gameplay Footage→Private Room.

We are absolutely ready for November 8th!👍🌈🦀🐟🐋🐬☔️💀


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🔥 TGS 2019 Guilty Gear Extended Gameplay / May Reveal Trailer! ➡️ ( ⚓

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This is just insanely gorgeous, this remake looks amazing so far!

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so excited for the FF7 Remake and the new TGS trailer

so squeenix huhhhh....where's lady cloud at? would really like to see that in HD

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We're ready to kick ass, chew bubblegum, and eat sushi...and we're all out of bubblegum. Here we come

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