Ada yg nyadar gak si, babu! Bentuk reruntuhan di Tonatiuh ini mirip bgt sama bentuk pola yg ada di seluruh desain nya Ororon? Ini kebetulan atau gimana ya?🤔

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Tonatiuh was the Aztec god of the sun, and was regarded as a powerful deity who brought warmth and light to the world.

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Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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If they move about the surface they do so nocturnally as the sunlight burns their skin. The stone people still worship Chalchiuhtlicue as their true sun and believe Tonatiuh to be a usurper. For this reason, their principal city of Yavi has a giant statue of this goddess.

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Para los mexicanos, el mes más patriótico de nuestras fiestas.
Septiembre ya está tocando la puerta.
Vayamos calentando motores con Tonatiuh, nuestro sol e imágen del calendario azteca.

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¿Este diseño de Tonatiuh?


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He shot an arrow to the face of Tonatiuh, but He caught it in the air and shot it back at Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, blinding Him and confining Him to the cold manor of the Underworld. Transformed into Itztlacoliuhqui, His job is to judge wrongdoing and fault

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Se ve sexy ... amo a mi Tonatiuh 💕

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Tonatiuh is Our Father the Sun, the Celestial Lord who gives solidity, warmth and life to the world. Every night He must travel through the dangers of the Underworld to gloriously rise again in the East.
You can find prints of Tonatiuh in my Etsy store!

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One of His nahualtin or spirit animals is the deer, which, like the Sun, jumps all over the sky.This painting of Tonatiuh is part of the art of the Tarot Yohualli Ehecatl. You can find Him as a print in my Etsy store!

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Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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Aztec Restoration
A scene from the Codex Borgia, depicting sun god Tonatiuh receiving a blood sacrifice below the moon in a starry sky.
Digital & hand-crafted swatches of watercolour, pencil & oil pastel.

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These are some details of my digital book The Birth of the Fifth Sun. It is written in and and it tells the sacred story of the birth of the Sun, He who gives light and life to the era we live in

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