Probably the only place to find super well known artists in the anime/manga scene in this clan.
I’ve known kei sensei and tonytaka sensei way before i got into vg, so imagine how many would get into vg because artist

1 20

Morning mood: Only thing better than having a pool party is being the pool, honestly. Having a couple dozen friends dancing, grinding, or lewder inside your balls while you get to “borrow” their size, and grow larger yourself...

🎨 - @/TonyTakara

18 111

Demon Dog Girls or Cat Girls?

2 32

Supply drop incoming!

🎨 - @/BeePunz @/Jaehthebird @/TonyTakara @/Koiglenator

1 10

Racing Miku zum Vorbestellen: <3 Sie bekommt noch eine Neuauflage bevor sie überhaupt erschienen ist!

2 29

Only 2 more sleeps til Image:UDON's Shining Blade & Ark. Stunning art by character designer,#TonyTaka

1 8