I love Gravity Falls to bits & Alex Hirsch's Grunkle Stan is a massive reason why. Insanely funny delivery & timing with agreat ability to wave between the essence of " funny money-grubbing old man " to " Man willing to fight tooth & nail for his family ".

4 62

Keith Ferguson as Lord Hater and Glomgold

Eartha Kitt as Yzma

Pamela Adlon as Vidia

0 13

Robin WIlliams as the Genie in Aladdin (I know, typical choice, but the man was PHENOMENAL)

Patrick Warburton as Kronk in The Emperor's New Groove

Keith David as Dr. Facilier in The Princess and the Frog

0 14

Jeremy Irons as Scar in Lion King

Robin Williams as Genie in Aladdin

Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz in Wreck-It Ralph

3 49