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citation repost>
I am planning to mail order at TORANOANA 🙌
A5/54 pages, all ages
I am planning to charge about 700 yen per book.
This will be a survey to help us determine how much we should print.
①I will get it.
②I'm not sure if I should buy this or not! https://t.co/kAVa4AAGdz
I plan to provide English translations (text only) of these books on my Poipiku site.
The path is listed in each book.
If the page is available again, I will continue in this reply section.
thank you.
hello artist! sender akhirnya bisa setoran art 😆😆 adakah disini yang juga ceweknya blio?
mau setoran wip art! sender :] lagi nyoba art style manga, ada yang tau dia siapa? 🤔
Setoran art! Buat merch CF19 besok🦍
Adakah yang satu trio-trio ini? :3 sekalian yang mau berk☁️ rep yaa🙌🏼
Haloo ku maw setoran art! setelah sekian lama ga nongol hehe~ syapa mau moomootualan? Aku multifandom but mostly fnf☝️
setoran art! minggu ini menggambar marcille :3 ada yang mau ber ☁️ dan ber 🐄 ? ;3
[Online shopping announcement]
Available for online shopping.
Some items are "out of stock", but if there are any leftovers at the Tokyo event on September 22nd, we will send them to you.
→ About Translation
mau setoran art! ship gemas favorit sender 😻
(ref: go for it, Nakamura!)
setoran wip art! anakku yg paling mnieezzz, sekalian berk☁️ yukss ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Art! Mau setoran latest art😋🤏Btw sender baru keluar dari goa nii sedang mencari moots🐄🐄🐄