It fluctuates a lot for me, but Neemon, Angoramon, Betamon and ToyAgumon are among my favorites!

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The whole gang is finally complete! Here is Clover and ToyAgumon! 💜

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También tuve que investigar tu twitter y concluí que hay gran relevancia en tu gusto por lo ludico y los juegos.
Así que propuse una linea absurda que representa diversos pasatiempos

ToyAgumon > Omekamon > CatchMamemon > Pinocchimon
Espero que te guste

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My suggestion for Dustin:
crest of knowledge
ToyAgumon -> Sukamon -> Gerbemon -> AncientWisemon
dunno exactly why but I think they fit him 😅 he likes games, tech, creating things, can be a coward nerd that nobody notices but has a great mind and stand for his friends

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I really want to see a full line of Toy Digimon, ToyTyrannomon, MechanoGreymon and Actiondramon!

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Lets continue with the works of this month =D

Here is GamjaHeadmon (Jogress between Mushmon and Toyagumon) the digi OC of

Thank you all for the likes and RT, they are really apreciated💖

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Welcoming, a bit chaotic, and always with a just heart that means well, you get the colorful partner ToyAgumon! A playful soul with a heart of gold! You’ll take the evolution paths that lead to the cuddly monzaemon before settling on magnadramon or cherubimon, angelic yet mighty!

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Gintama Characters if they had Digimon ☀️. —A thread

Gintoki and Kotemon (Can evolve into an Asuramon)

Shinpachi and ToyAgumon

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Algunos de los últimos encargos que he hecho, una Dido para el gran o un alegre ToyAgumon para y la gente de ❤️
Si os interesa algo así, ya sabéis, ¡los encargos están abiertos! ^u^

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I found this one pretty difficult! you could be a digimon on your own! But here's what I decided: Enjoy your new shiny toyagumon!

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ToyAgumon se pasa a amarillo! Hoy va de vanilla! Ebidramon es mostrado para azul!


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Las otras cartas mostradas hoy por la cuenta japonesa de para BT09 son Ebidramon azul, como evolución de Crabmon, y ToyAgumon amarillo, cuyo arte referencia a su aparición en

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🔹Día 21: Objeto - ToyAgumon

Consta de 16 bloques de construcción parecidos a los Legos. Cuando es asustado o sorprendido se desarma.

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Nos encontramos un caso curioso ahora. Pues ToyAgumon (Black) sí tiene Perfil Oficial, pero en realidad, por su diseño, en realidad se trata de ClearAgumon (Black), así que dejamos cómo sería el real:

Tuit del hilo original:

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also a Toyagumon I tried at first.

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