" A wolf may lose its fangs, but not its inclinations. "


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" He who does nothing but sit and eat, will wear away a mountain (of wealth). "


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" I am not worried that nobody knows me. I seek to become fit to be known "


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" Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished. "


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" Man's days are numbered. "


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" The Master doesn't talk, he acts. "


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' do you remember
the stranger faces the wind and weeps
around the city walls '


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" What can a man do with music who is not benevolent? "


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" In worthy teaching, all things are related. "


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" He Who Knows And Knows That He Knows Is A Wise Man - Follow Him;
He Who Knows Not And Knows Not That He Knows Not Is A Fool - Shun Him "


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" All people are the same; only their habits differ. "


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" Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. "


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