G-Good Morning everyone! Hope this isnt a bad time but it's exactly 'IV' days until Just curious about everyone, out of all the returning characters, which ones are you the most excited to see?
Mines are without a doubt these fine members of Class VII! ♥️

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Now here's someone that we can all raise our glasses to! Sara's skills, experience, and beauty are always a welcome addition to your team in Prepare for the release on October 27 by preordering the Frontline Edition: (https://t.co/B6vyL2pzaK)

163 581

🎊5 milioni di copie vendute per la serie 🎊
Congratulazioni, ! Attendiamo con ansia

➡️Se ami la serie o vuoi saperne di più, visita il sito italiano: https://t.co/6BzntDFL9S ⬅️

7 11

Juna puts up a tough front, but only her most trusted comrades get a glimpse into the softer side of her personality. Cast your vote in our next tweet for one of these 3 achievement icon designs for a chance to have it included in the PC release of

126 472

Musse is known for her strategic genius, but it looks like something (or someone) has caused her to lose her composure! Vote on our next tweet for one of these three icon designs to be included in the PC release of

169 588

What an enchanting set of icon designs! Has Emma bewitched you? Cast your vote for one of these three spellbinding icons in our text tweet, and your favorite could be included in the PC release of

205 764

Towa is known for her passion and brilliance, but her eyes appear to sparkle with a new flame here. Vote in our next tweet for which of these achievement icon designs will be included in the PC release of

178 574

Fie is normally composed and focused on the battlefield... so what has her looking so flustered? Vote for your favorite achievement icon design and we'll include the winner in the PC version of Vote in the next tweet!

162 584

Check out these charming icon designs depicting Alfin from We need your help deciding which one will be used as an achievement icon for the PC release! Cast your vote in the next tweet:

96 417

Ash from With this, I've drawn all of the new class VII. Time to work on the rest of the OG class VII now. 💖

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