Thanks for the tag 🙏 Absolutely you need to include as an awesome project, great art, constant innovation like and staking adventures for beast. 🐐

0 2

These raid the hardest to me posts don’t seem like a good test for strength of a community. is one of the best communities, but we are a small & tight knit group. If you want to find a genuine project with great art, lots of innovation like then join us!

2 7

Come visit us at Wetfoot !! many adventures and amazing beasts await you, and with everything is more fun🍻


2 7

Really fun to discover how you can change your with traitswap, name it, tell a story for it and fix all these changes into metadata 😀 Also proud of being one of who innovate such an amazing tech earlier than most of expensive collections 💪🏻😉

3 5

for sure! Adventure staking for a second collection, TraitSwap, and growing community.

1 10

There are many projects in that claim to be “building”, but how many projects are actually “producing”?! has been building & producing innovative benefits & FUN for its holders. Adventures, staking, traitswap, on-chain naming/bio, beast, now 👇

6 10

Check out fren they have been building for over 6 months non stop. Lots of obstacle but never gave us. Developed traitswap, editable names and bio on chain, and more to come. There is also an amazing secondary collection - adventurous beast (free mint for holders)

1 4

Did you know the “nudist” trait is one of the rarest in the collection? Only 30 in the entire 10K!😱 The body is one of the items that can be moved using so you can move the nudist body (if you own one) to your fav Halfling. Just 1 listed at .13 🥶 🍌 🥃

3 13

Have you heard of Halflings yet Anon?

It's a project that is still under the radar a bit, but not for long imo👀

They recently released TraitSwap, which allows you to customize your NFTs to your own liking by swapping traits and create their own unique story✍️

Meet Mushy🍄🍻👇

11 14

The community is growing. With stories, and friends, it’s hard to not see the potential 🗡🪄👣

11 17