Surrey is home to the Gender Identity Research and Education Society. We are proud to hold the GIRES archive in our collections and preserve evidence of their pioneering work

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La vostra rabbia è stata ereditata da noi, e continueremo con coraggio la vostra lotta, per liberarci dalle troppe catene che ancora oggi ci opprimono. Porteremo avanti la rivoluzione che avete iniziato, senza mai lasciare indietro il vostro ricordo.

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Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on 20th of November honouring the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in the acts of anti-transgender violence. Art by Jon Turner 🖤

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I honor every beautiful transgender soul that we’ve lost all across the world. I am grateful for their visibility and their beautiful light. Bigotry and hate are strong today, but we are stronger. We will continue to fight and shine ✊🏳️‍🌈

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1/4 from a new artwork series for Each will be a different trans character, different trans identity, different pronoun tattoo.

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