実は『トランシルビィ(Transiruby)』の立ち絵の塗りは『ギャラクシーファイト ユニバーサル・ウォーリアーズ』の影響をちょっと受けてます。

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🎴The fortune telling app turned cheeky kitsune AI!🎴

Here is a really cool drawing of Ukanomitama done by

I love her design very much and I think she’s cute even if she’s a tad annoying, sketchy and takes jabs at Yamato!

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Man wasn't aware the Pizza tower devs loved Skipmore games that much as this just announced DLC goes extra hard alongside the KAMIKO one!

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Honorable Mentions:
A Summer's End: Hong Kong 1986
Cogen: Sword of Rewind

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Setting aside number ratings, Praey for the Gods and Transiruby, are two incredible experiences that I think deserved some kind of end of the year recognition.

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Les sorties eShop de la semaine (Nintendo Switch Sports, Bugsnax, The Stanley Parable, Marco & The Galaxy Dragon, TASOMACHI, Transiruby, Arise : A Simple Story, RESEARCH and DESTROY, Layer Section & Galactic Attack S-Tribute…) et l’offre Place à l’action https://t.co/ni8oWtoX9d

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A unexpected race between travellers occurs!

Somehow Siruby and Kirby are having an intense race against each other to see who’s the fastest racer! (Seems they’re on good terms)

Who’ll win, the Sirubike or the Carby?

Art by

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• Favorite: Phoenotopia
• First: BotW
• Really Want: Transiruby
• Excited For: Jack Move

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There are robot girls in Transiruby for the Nintendo Switch. (Submitted by )

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I can now finally show these!

I enjoyed Transiruby and I got reminded I commissioned Mast3r-Rainb0w on deviantart to draw them in the MMZ style, so we’re doing it again, this time with more characters from Transiruby

They still they fit really well too

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nYANYAA going LIVE🔴Got some EXCITE new stuff, and some of my favorite classics joining the lineup tonight!

🦢Mighty Goose
🔫Enter the Gungeon
🚂Monster Train

Let's get started!! Join me via the link below!

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Nyuu going LIVE🔴 Tonight we'll mostly focus on 🔧Iconoclasts, and maybe chew on some 🚲Transiruby cleanup!

Nyuu likely gonna be a chill stream tonight~ Come hang out with me!! As always find me here: https://t.co/fNFtpGffu3

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Definitely one of my favourite things from Transiruby are the little chibi drawings you see in the credits, they really do help describe more about them and it’s great seeing them outside pixel art!

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Alright goin' LIVE🔴!! Tonight on we're going to be finish off some games:

🦎Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Then we'll play it by ear! Maybe⚙️DNF Open Beta!

But yass let's get started join me here!!!


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Nyaaa done moving TVs 😩💦 So let's get started! TONIGHT we'll be playing more:
🦎Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
👁️Unsighted (Boss Rush/Raid Time Attack)

Nyaa I'm going LIVE🔴 join me here!!

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