New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ this week for (9/7/22)


D-#TracisCharest Virgin Inks Variant

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I loved this sketch that posted yesterday so I did a quick warm up of colors over it. Fun, and something a little different.

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Galería de apreciación al arte del canadiense dibujante y pintor que comenzó su carrera con un estilo detallado como en su famoso crossover WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Golden Age y que posteriormente se dedicó a ilustrar portadas para diversas editoriales. (4/4)

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Galería de apreciación al arte del canadiense dibujante y pintor que comenzó su carrera con un estilo detallado como en su famoso crossover WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Golden Age y que posteriormente se dedicó a ilustrar portadas para diversas editoriales. (1/4)

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New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ this week for (6/2/21)




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A giant-sized French version of drawn my one of my art heroes,

Funny thing is, I still remember the day and how I obtained this book vividly... for no particular reason, this book and how I got it always reminds-/1

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just so happens to fall on this year. Of course we have the perfect image to go along with it!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Humanoids!

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