# buffalobillcody buffalobill williamfcody nebraska governor colonel aidedecamp history wildwest robmorris easternstar oes orderoftheeasternstar grandlodgeofmississippi poet freemasons freemasonry georgeelbridgeboyden architect worcester grandlodgeofmassachusetts massachusettsfreemasons aewaite arthuredwardwaite hermeticorderofthegoldendawn magick ceremonialmagick qabalah secretsociety tarot occult art georgewashington fellowcraft fredericksburg americanhistory masonic jimmendoza grandmaster grandlodgeofwashington washingtonfreemasonry scottishrite demolay showman civilwar scout oldwest western nativeamerican cowboy barbarafrale vatican vaticansecretarchives knightstemplar chinonparchment shroudofturin scholar paleography templars tommix silentfilm hollywood film mastermason movies johnglenn astronaut nasa space grantwood americangothic arthistory americanart museums onthisday otd artist portrait sketch elainepagels princetonuniversity theology professor gnosticgospels gnostic religion bible abrahamlincoln presidentoftheunitedstates potus lincolnmemorial washingtondc fordstheatre eliphaslevi transcendentalmagic occultism occultknowledge occultart thomassmithwebb ritual initiation yorkrite royalarch grandencampment commandery grandlodgeofrhodeisland normanrockwell saturdayeveningpost illustrator americana berkshires stockbridgema clarkgable actor celebrity goldenageofhollywood cinema stantonbrown grandlodgeofmissouri missourifreemasons genetierney tyronepower francesfarmer sonoffury beauty wolfgangamadeusmozart mozart composer classicalmusic symphony music prodigy magicflute

March 8, 1887: Buffalo Bill Cody was given the rank of colonel (aide-de-camp) by the Governor of Nebraska.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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March 5, 1846: Rob Morris was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Oxford Lodge No. 33 in Mississippi.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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March 3, 1863: George Elbridge Boyden was raised a Master Mason in Montacute Lodge in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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March 3, 1753: George Washington was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Fredericksburg Lodge in Virginia.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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February 21, 1925: Tom Mix was raised a Master Mason in Utopia Lodge No. 537 in Los Angeles, California
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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February 20, 1962: John Glenn became the first U.S. Astronaut to orbit the Earth, completing three orbits as pilot of the Mercury-Atlas 6 (MA-6) spaceflight.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Happy Birthday to Dr. Elaine Pagels, Historian and Professor of Religion at Princeton University.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Happy Birthday to M.W. Stanton T. Brown, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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