LAST OF THE TRIBE CATS FOR DAWN 🦀🦀Flight of Startled Heron! Responsible for starting a very uncomfortable irl conversation bc someone saw me drawing this :)) anyway its reached the point my designs don't look like cats anymore but ah well

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Wing Shadow Over Water... and i feel i should mention i don't put much planning into the design of these background characters so they're mostly on the fly..i am DIGGING this tribecats-look-like-other-animals theme my subconscious got going here

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Only a couple more of these hecking tribe cats.. (for THIS book). Night of No Stars! Kinda sad they gave such an awesome name to a cat who i don't think even speaks nor has a description.

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Another one.
Sheer Path Beside Waterfall. To be honest, i just wanted to somehow differentiate him from Tigerstar clones because his description was literally the tigerstar clone description...

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These dang tribe cats are putting me on hiatus because i just really cannot bring myself to care. Case in point, i actually got Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits mixed with Flight of Startled Heron because they all have the SAME amount of relevance.

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WE back with tribe cats.... yaayyy... good thing there's only a few this time. Gray Sky Before Dawn i guess. Is the sky even gray at dawn? ???

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