27/31 Marie Kondo tidying up your bookshelf!
Day 27 of the horror stories countdown to the event!

1 6

26/31 When the characters don't connect.
Day 26 of the horror stories countdown to the event!

1 2

The clause that you didn't read!
Day 23 of the horror stories countdown to the event!

1 4

The writer's block.
Day 19 of the horror stories countdown to the event!

1 6

A ghosting critique partner!
(And the perfect opportunity to find a new one!)
Day 18 of the horror stories countdown to the event!

1 4

The printer that knows when you're in a hurry!
Day 4 of the countdown to the event!

1 4

That long book that won't fit on any bookshelf!
Day 3 of the countdown to the event!

0 3