Part 2 of 3
"Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."

Sunflowers symbolize unwavering faith &constant orientation towards light. They're associated with positivity, happiness &optimism.

538 1915

Okay okay it's the last one I promise..

78 264

Mix of doodles/warmups 🤲💖

389 1641

Apple & Cigarette

⚠️Private commission pls don’t use or download without permission

74 266

Epic rap battles of history: ADHD vs. Autism

205 764

i can't wait for the tristamp onlies to meet my wife of 20 years


56 123

I couldn’t find anything online that I thought suited him, so I just made up a dress as I went. To quell the urge Yknow

48 123