M1 TTBは乗員座席イラストを見るに、左から順に砲手、操縦手、車長の並び。これが何を重視したのか分からなかったけど、外観の写真を見たら、砲手席後方に同軸機銃があったので、この半装填や故障排除をしやすいように砲手席を左端にしたんだと思う。

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✨ TTB#136 sold for 2.50 $avax

They say the ties that bind can never be broken, but nothing prepared them for the flat mode.

0 1

🥵 TTB#127 sold for 2.50 $avax

Ever felt like you were part of something larger than yourself? Well, if you're part of the cynical ties that bind with a medium noise, you are.

0 1

🤯 TTB#131 sold for 2.50 $avax

It started out as a normal summer day. I wandered the streets of my town, looking for a place to have some lunch. Little did I know, I was about to discover something sinister.

0 1

🚀 TTB#102 sold for NaN $avax

She was in such a rush to tie her shoelaces, she ended up in a knot of frustration.

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🍻 TTB#107 sold for NaN $avax

Late one night, a mysterious force descended on the small town of 852873 No one knows where it came from, or why it was so powerful.

0 0

🍾 TTB#113 sold for NaN $avax

It all started when I became a patient at the hospital. 257233

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✨ TTB#123 sold for 2.00 $avax

The sun is setting on the horizon and its last sparkles reflect on a group of friends celebrating the start of their wild night.

0 0

🚀 TTB#101 sold for NaN $avax

Once upon a time there were two reckless friends with a shared taste in outrageous fashion - their binding theme was light shades.

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💥 TTB#58 sold for 1.99 $avax

A furtive dinner party was held at a fine dine restaurant. A group of intimates gathered around a table, toasting to the bonds and ties that binds them.

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🔥 TTB#91 sold for 1.20 $avax

1 – So my fiancé & I decided to keep our wedding as financially responsible as possible, which means no real petals, just a Petals Palette!

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🚀 TTB#85 sold for 1.20 $avax

: So it all started when I decided to tie my financial future to 3 simple rules: spend less than I earn, use credit wisely, and save for the future. 361840

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💥 TTB#58 sold for 0.80 $avax

Lost in a I was left unchained and dark, drenched in the of my own sadness.

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🍾 TTB#65 sold for 0.80 $avax

In a world that knew only darkness, a mercurial tie bound an unsuspecting family, trapping them in a never-ending cycle of despair.

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🚀 TTB#63 sold for 0.80 $avax

An odd, furtive tie is forming between a flat mode of transportation and an unsuspecting bird.

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🍾 TTB#55 sold for 0.80 $avax

Patient: So what is this strange "Flat Mode" thing?

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✨ TTB#70 sold for 0.88 $avax

They say you can never break a reckless tie that binds. But I disagreed. I thought I could find a way to break the curse.

0 0

[open!] คมช.Chibi YCH

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TH • https://t.co/9ZJr358oVc
💐 ช่องทางโอน : True W. | TTB Bank

Thank you, and good luck 🌷

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