the brave. The strongest Vala. Champion of and husband of Nessa. He is the greatest in strength and deeds of prowess.

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Essa é a minha participação na collab do . Tulkas, o único valar capaz de fazer Melkor tremer. Em suas mãos ele segura Angainor, a corrente sagrada de Aulë, responsável por acorrentar e aprisionar Melkor na escuridão do vazio.

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For thrills, Thranduil throws Thorin & Theoden into thongs; Tulkas, Tom Bombadil & Túrin Turambar trim a tree.

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Tulkas, who among the Valar welcomed conflict with Melkor, sought to persuade Fëanor to surrender the Silmarils.

Wisely he saw that Melkor's corruption of Fëanor came from a desire to possess the last remaining light of the Two Trees.

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