# كاريكاتير اردوغان كليجدار كليتشدار_أوغلو تركيا_تنتخب تركيا الانتخابات_التركية2023 الانتخابات_الرئاسية_التركية رجب_طيب_اردوغان cartoon erdogan turkeyelections turkeyelection2023 sanat art horse at oilpainting contemporary contemporaryart ankara İstanbul gündem artwork turkiyejokeyklubu kulturvesanat karikatür karikatur gününmottosu gününkaresi heman pazartesi pazartesimotivasyonu ergenpsikolojisi mizahturkiye caricature comic happynorouz iran ancientpersian newyear heritage culture medellin suluboyaçalışması tekne göcek marmaris foça fethiye dalyan izmir iviira9 kadınlaradaletistiyor istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır turkiyekadinmezarlığınadöndü my_dream_turkey zamanidurdur ig_turkey hergun awardsturk bendenbirkare benimkadrajim twitchbabes twitchingjigs twitchlivestreamer twitchturkiye twitch twitchtvgamer twitchdenkesitler twitchcommunity twitchgiveaway twitchgraphic twitchthis twitchgraphics turkey syria helpturkey helpsyria love earthquake earthquaketurkey earthquakesyria help kids boy girl cartoonkids deprem illustration editorialillustration conceptualillustration editorial earthquakeinturkey turkiyedeprem fahrettinaltun turkeysyriaearthquake receptayyiperdogan dictatorerdogan criminalaliyev syria_earthquake türkiye başımızsağolsun kahramanmaraş osmaniye diyarbakir şanlıurfa hatay geçmişolsuntürkiye geçmişolsun drawing gaziantep ümityaşaroğuzcan kader keder emirhanperker umityasaroguzcan şiir şiirsokakta

Hi I'm Ruru from Turkiye, 25, this is my art https://t.co/xVrrSFIkWe

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🍀🌿☘️🌺🦚To All My Dear Friends in and All Over The 🌎 Who Celebrate This
Never Forget your and Who You Are ✨🙏🏻✨

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It is very sad what has happened in Turkiye and Syria. I can't imagine what it's like to lose everything at once.❤️🙏🇹🇷🇸🇾

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Only few hours left!!!

❤️Don't forget to collect your Valentine's Collectable Cup.

❤️Collect 2 Recieve a FREE Customized 1/1
❤️GM True Love
❤️ (Valentines Edition)
❤️ 003ETH

❤️% of sales will be donated towards helping Turkiye & Syria

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EARTHQUAKE 🇹🇷🇸🇾 As media attention wanes, what the survivors are left with is the pain of loss and the need of rebuilding.

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Gm ☕️

Times running out!!!

Buy 2 Get the Skull FREE only for this weekend
❤️GM True Love
❤️ (Valentines Edition)
❤️ 003ETH

❤️Seasonal Collectable
❤️Top Holder will recieve a 1/1

❤️50% of proceeds to be donated towards the efforts in Turkiye & Syria

1 1

Gm ☕️

Times running out!!!

Buy 2 Get the Skull FREE only for this weekend
❤️GM True Love
❤️ (Valentines Edition)
❤️ 003ETH

❤️Seasonal Collectable
❤️Top Holder will recieve a 1/1

❤️50% of proceeds to be donated towards the efforts in Turkiye & Syria https://t.co/qIakxJknw9

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F Altun- Efenim Ermstn ve Yunanstn TR'ye yardım eli uzatmışlar
Erdogan- Onlra Cevabmz Net 1 Gece Ansızın Gelebiliriz

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❤️GM True Love
❤️ (Valentines Edition)
❤️ 003ETH

❤️Seasonal Collectable
❤️Top Holder will recieve a 1/1

❤️50% of proceeds will be donated towards the efforts in Turkiye & Syria

❤️10% will also be donated towards Mental Health

1 2

Gm ☕️
❤️GM True Love
❤️ (Valentines Edition)
❤️ 003ETH

❤️Seasonal Collectable
❤️Top Holder will recieve a 1/1

❤️50% of proceeds will be donated towards the efforts in Turkiye & Syria

❤️10% will also be donated towards Mental Health https://t.co/ll1EQf89yF

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