Quick drawing of the quaker and the cabbage farmer :]

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Sorry y'all but I had to make a few doodles of characters as a few memes and stuff lmao

Might make more

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IT’S WEEK DAY 5! I suck and missed yesterday. Today’s theme is favorite relationship, and I was gonna do one of my ships (Tallster and Annlett, no one was surprised), but that’s a little predictable... So I went for one of my favorite platonic relationships instead!

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Wooo it’s Week day 2: your favorite patriot. IT’S CALEB. Who else would it be? (Anna, it could be Anna.)

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week is happening over on Tumblr, and here’s my piece for prompt 1: favorite loyalist. It’s Hewlett, to literally nobody’s surprise!

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It's and in honor of our finishing Watch Party with the epic S4 Finale last night, I am dusting off an iconic moment by my hero from each season. Edmund truly is a good and decent man, not too mention heroic & resilient

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Happy Birthday !!!!
You are my best bestfriend 🖤
I tried to draw Abraham Woodhull from Turn to you.

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Time for an break!
Studying history can be a fascinating thing to do, and what better way to bring it to life than through shows/movies/plays?
What are your favorites?

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Some Benjamin Tallmadge drawings.

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Made some unforgivably cheesy valentines for all of you! Hope you enjoy them! Two per character (please excuse the snark on our dearest cabbage boy’s second one ;) )

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