The Invisibles Vol. 3, I need time to process the ending, and entire last volume. This end struck me as somehow ambiguous, yet entirely definitive, meaning that it felt like a lot is left to interpretation but the story has without question come to its end.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, Oh hey, this was another issue I totally got—I think. And I really really liked it. The different art teams don’t make the book feel disjointed, mostly because they’re all so good, and the pacing is fantastic.

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The Invisibles Vol 3, So, for most of this volume I’ve felt a bit lost (look, I’m not too proud to admit it), but for whatever reason, I felt like I picked up the thread a little bit in this issue. I guess moving toward an impending clash will do that?

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, This builds nicely to the payoff of basically this entire volume so far (I think?), when King Mob looks at slick and puts on his sunglasses and says, “The Invisibles ride again.” Pretty cool.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, Read this one yesterday and forgot to post, but this issue is rather sweet/sad....and also a bit horrifying as it pertains to Sir Miles, though you don’t quite feel for that guy.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, This felt like a bit of a return to more structure, or at least it had more scenes with King Mob, Lord Fanny, and Jack, which as far afield as the book travels, is the crew that always seems to draw things back.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, This was a good issue. Like the rest of the arc, a bit heavier on Sir Miles than I initially suspected. I think the most interesting story thread to me at the moment is whatever is going on with Jack.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, The Division X stuff has been a fun diversion and a nice bit of long-form storytelling, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say the scenes with The Invisibles we’ve seen the most of aren’t more welcome to me.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, This issue serves up a bit more of Division X disorientation before eventually reorienting with a big reveal...and the pivoting quickly to set the stage (I believe) for the final 10 issues of the book.

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The Invisibles Vol. 3, Well, this issue was certainly different than what I expected to come after the last arc. This book is subversive not just with its ideas but in the way it conveys them, and the shifts between arcs is an example.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2, Compared to recent issues, this one felt a bit subdued. It also stands out to me for being heavy on Mason, heavy on the other side, and steeped in things that may or may not be about to happen.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. I feel like all the previous issues in this volume so steadily chipped away at linear structure, that an issue like this one barely registers as abstract, which is fine, because I can use more of my brain to ogle the artwork.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. Action action action. Plus some time travel, and some other rather more abstract material to remind us what the bigger overarching ideas here are. Great pacing throughout this one, and lots of blood/death.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. I read through this issue so fast, I guess really wanting to know what happens but also just thoroughly engaged. This run has had so many great character combinations and we get several in this one issue.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. We get what feels a bit like the start of a new arc, predicated largely on a few long-simmering plot threads...Robin’s time machine, the loss of John however many years back, and Quimper infiltrating the cell biologically.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. The Invisibles go down to New Orleans; it’s a hot and humid night (feels like a hot shower); and every character in the cast gets some. Oh, there’s also some stuff about betrayal going down.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. Huh. Didn’t see that twist coming. Boy was not being manipulated by the enemy but rather by another Invisibles cell that was doing it for everyone’s own good...but also had to keep it secret.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2. Nice penultimate chapter for the arc/volume here. I don’t know how far in advance the central twist of this plot was planned, but for some reason, it just doesn’t feel super dramatic to me.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2, It’s unexpected to type this about a comic that most often deals with chaos magic and a patchwork of religions and other beliefs twisted into sci-fi...but this issue was romantic in a couple ways, I found.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2, What a tour de force of amazing sequential narrative artwork by the artists in this book. Seriously. I was blown away page after page reading this comic. Just incredible. That’s it. That’s my whole take for this one.

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