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Now that is over I'm back working on
Nova: Synthesis Creaturum

Final push towards the finish line!

If you can't wait for the final game check out the demo on https://t.co/Pbz58cOreF:

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I used to call him "Rutega turum tum" when I was a kid because I thought that was the sound he made when I picked him up lol.
Anyway, an Aku-Aku from Crash Bandicoot.

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Proceso de creación de mi mural mas reciente "Futurum petram" o "La roca del futuro", realizada con técnica mixta sobre mármol. /

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Mi mural mas reciente "Futurum petram" o "La roca del futuro", realizada con técnica mixta sobre mármol. Terminado. /

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Çanakkale’de Seyit Onbaşı
İzmir’ de Hasan Tahsin
Erzurum’ da Nene Hatun
Menemen’de Kubilay’dır
Cumhuriyet,MUSTAFA KEMAL’ dir...

Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca...
Saygı ve minnetle... 🇹🇷

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This week on the Futurum Tech Podcast, we tackle the subject of and Are we drifting towards a dystopian future in which privacy is dead? Or do we correct course and make data work for us again? https://t.co/y1A18TJtWn

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So these two are the start of my fourth Legio project. Manus Faturum and Dyadic Singularity of the Only going to make a Regia maniple for these guys... unless I accidentally get even more titans later in the year.

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A sneak peek of a variant of the Futurum spectat pacificae artwork that will be produced physically in Alu Dibond and will be sent to Germany to a private collector 🙏

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Turum - Turum - 'Middle aged Mutan Ninja arqueon' - Turum - Turum

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[Nova Synthesis Creaturum] (2014-2018)
Merona Kovene, the protagonist of our free to play visual novel~<3

You can find more information on 's profile

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[Nova Synthesis Creaturum] (2014-2018)
Duran Trist: Love interest who is mainly interested in arguing...

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[Nova Synthesis Creaturum] (2014-2018)
Lexan Nerion - Water mage and Merona's teacher on her journey~

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[Nova Synthesis Creaturum]
Merona / Duran romance CGs~♡
I really enjoyed drawing Duran finally letting his guard down.

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