Tylor Tuskmon from Monsters at Work

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Sora hooks up with Matt, but Phantomon shows up with Tuskmon and Snimon! I always sorta think the tusks are Tuskmon's horns, so when you see just his head without the tusks, it suddenly looks weird. This is also I think the only time the dub says "Snimon" correctly.

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tuskmon drawing finished on stream, thanks for dropping by!

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So, Zhuqiaomon evolved from Hippogriffomon that evolved from Akatorimon that evolved from Muchomon. Qinglongmon evolved from Triceramon that evolved from Tuskmon who evolved from Elecmon (Violet).

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Qinglongmon's line was already datamined a few weeks ago!

Elecmon (Vi) -> Tuskmon -> Triceramon -> Qinglongmon

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Por si a alguien le llegase a incomodar ver a Tuskmon como un herbívoro.
Cabe destacar que su nombre en japonés es en katakana, y la etimología Tusk, del inglés significa colmillo, los colmillos sirven más como defensa que como ataque.
Algo ideal para el Digimon tanque.

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Sin contar a los digis compañeros y a los que ya salieron en otros capitulos, como Coredramon y Ogremon, este ha sido de los capituloss con menos digimon hasta el momento, a diferencia del capítulo anterior que fue el que más digimon mostró.
1. Tuskmon
2. Tanemon
3. Drimogemon

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it’s more like that they’re kinda forgettable, but i really like tuskmon and triceramon for reminding me of showa kaiju https://t.co/PtKH5TloZj

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StrikeTuskmon is the next level in the Saviors/Data Squad timeline. It's said he was built similar to Megadramon and Gigadramon, and his tech is similar to that found in Nanomon(Datamon)

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Sí, es Aramadillomon. Estoy en la área 1 y es el boss de mitad de camino. Creo que es Tuskmon, pero no estoy seguro.

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Tylor Tuskmon!!! I loooOOOOooOove you-!!!!!!

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A Tuskmon doodle, having some issues with the old scream canisters

- I just think he's neat.

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- Hackmon vuelve al TCG
- Tuskmon
- Vitramon
- Brachimon cuidando de los peques

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