Data Ravelさんのプロフィール画像

Data Ravelさんのイラストまとめ

I want to share my love for the world of Digimon with everyone, showing everything I know about it. PT-BR/EN. You can support me at

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:6914

In a way, it's fun that the first thing that Digimon's official youtube channel will feature will be Seekers' videos, including the novel reading by Miyuki Sawashiro.

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Gammamon's official artwork and basically all other art, even made by other artists, all use the same blue scarf. I wonder if it was common knownledge among them about Gammamon not having it at first and yet they had to feature it in the art.

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The announcement of the last BAN-TYO event teased that the mastermind behind the D-Brigade would finally be revealed, it ends up being Yggdrasil, although details aren't given.

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The story of the Lilimon who fell in love with Bancho Leomon and wanted to prove her own power and become a Bancho, the Mamemon who wanted to free imprisoned Digimon, the story of the Stingmon who couldn't stand seeing friends getting killed.

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Lost Tales: Rise of the Banchos

There are 5 Digimon in the Digimon Encyclopedia that carries the name of "Bancho". After their reveal in 2005 with Bancho Leomon it took nearly 10 years until they all gathered in "Digimon Collectors".

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Something fun about it is that it seems that the anime ends with god-like information beings with the power to reshape, destroy and create the entire world. I guess that this is basically just how Appmon will end.

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This time just called "Digimon Twin Tag", it would have a different design and focus on creating 2x2 battles for the first time in LCD Toys. The mascots of the toy would have been Coronamon and Lunamon, but soon after the original Twin the production of new toys stopped.

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Digimon Chronicle was created to give protagonism to new Digimon never used outside of LCD Toys, but now two of the most used groups of Digimon took the place and the entire story revolves around them with no influence of the player

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Death-X-mon is the ultimate manifestation of Death-X, Death Data personified, there are some details about its design according to Soh Moriyama.

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