Spicy Hot Tiddy Tuesday! tasted me for....science😏
That was one hell of a science experiment! 🔥

This amazing art was done by Sanguine! Check them out! They are amazing!

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My wifu and I having a girls night. No boys allowed! Sitting around in our underwear and gaming! This is the life!

Thank you for this amazing art! You are an amazing artist!

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I got used to being trapped in a jar....maybe I liked it just a lil. Well that was because of many reasons but we can get into that at another time.

Art by my fairy bestie . Go check her out she is an amazing artist!

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Enjoying the summer days at the beach with a my fellow fairy bestie !
Who wants to join us at the beach?

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I know it's early but I just couldn't wait!

Happy Birthday & Happy re-debut to my awesome friend !!!! I hope you like your present! ♥️🎁

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