20240827 . ‿ .
Nastya and Tatyana

781 6008

"Do you have aany POC agents?" -> her name is tatyana shes the epitome of the 🙄 emoji i used to have lore for her but i dont like it anymore and im reworking on it. one of my few agents with a brain https://t.co/ae6GC2DXGX

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8月11日(日) 西地区ち-08a『ぽんぽこ茶屋』でお待ちしております〜!🫶
今回もれいちゃくん( )と合同サークルです🙌

418 4105

◎貴方のサークル「ぽんぽこ茶屋」は、日曜日 西地区 “ち” ブロック 08a に配置されました。


48 320

😊 🚓👮👮‍♀️ https://t.co/ArzFEq7r5r

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56 301


90 526

[OLD ART] Nick is a gentle kind soul..but he's actually only a lil bit more snarky and "aggressive" @ Ben bc Ben deserves it he's an ahole sometimes and bc they're best bros..he's more patient and tolerant at literally anyone else lol

1 6

[OLD ART] I'm so slow with new art rn bruh so reposting shit..i'll take a break from fanart for a bit to draw OC lol..anyways Buster guarding Nick from the terors in the night lmao xD..ghost sighting is real on base

3 15

making the Syandana for the styanax skin

3 12

"I must hold in balance the sense of the futility of effort and the sense of the necessity to struggle... the contradiction between the dead hand of the past and the high intentions of the future."

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up

🎨 nameless creature, Tatyana Kupriyanova

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styanax shield

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