次の仮想敵にしろ仮想味方にしろ は考えておきたいね。ライダーの一人は と考えられそう。エリスは元ネタのウサ姫さまとクェスで声優さんが同じだから精神的な意味ではクェスがハサウェイの機体に乗るようで面白いと思う。

0 2

Actuellement dcd car une entreprise a volé et modifié mon visuel pour la journée des droits des femmes et ILS ONT MIS DU TYPEX SUR LE "BORDEL DE MERDE" mais on voit encore un peu le b.

333 2772

SG-i03 typeXD

80 235

COM: 'Copper'bold Glomp!=

Something fun & light for Jenorafeuer!


Drawn up in CSP

Characters ©

Leah © Jenorafeuer
Logan Pathfinder © Newtypex

Artwork by Erika V, November 2022

5 16

COM: SunKissed Sweetnesses

Cutes everywhere!


Drawn up in CSP

Characters ©

Mecha © Mechaman
Leah © Jenorafeuer
Logan Pathfinder © Newtypex

Artwork by Erika V, November 2022

1 7


10 51

Artist: xxthatsmytypexx | Source: https://t.co/4rGuRyp2sy | Derpi link: https://t.co/m0qD11kc1X

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Xiao: Go away you imposter!

Alatus: Make me!

Aether: You are both my friends! We can hang out together! ☺️✨

59 659

RED XIAO:I'll take Aether with me,see ya!
XIAO: Stop, let Aether go!!
AETHER: Xiao!!

What will happen now? Will Xiao be able to rescue Aether?🤭

310 2702

Reviewing other people's graphic novels: Typex' Rembrandt.
"The elephant in the room for such projects is how do you represent the artist’s imagery, style and process?"


2 3

Artist: xxthatsmytypexx | Source: https://t.co/4rGuRyp2sy | Derpi link: https://t.co/m0qD11kc1X

2 8

Artist: xxthatsmytypexx | Source: https://t.co/xSnPqbeuBh | Derpi link: https://t.co/yJ0rPekPZD

0 2

Artist: xxthatsmytypexx | Source: https://t.co/xSnPqbeuBh | Derpi link: https://t.co/yJ0rPekPZD

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初めての愛車、日産・180SX TypeX。通称「ベティ」ちゃんを納車されてから早いもので今日で丸5年となりました😆🙌


104 352

Artist: xxthatsmytypexx | Source: https://t.co/4rGuRyp2sy | Derpi link: https://t.co/m0qD11kc1X

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