昨夜見た衛星水蒸気画像で沖縄本島付記に有ったバウンダリーはucl,上層寒冷渦だったのね.500hPa付近の気温約-6℃,850hPa付近約18℃と気温差が大きく名瀬ではSSI 1℃と大気の状態が不安定に.沖縄奄美に雷注意報発表中,急な雨や雷に注意してね.

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My three candidates for the champion, the beast and the best. Retweet if you like my artwork :)

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2.5 years, 9 trophies, broked so many records, back-to-back-To-back Uefa Champions League winner, never ever knocked out by any team in UCL, We will miss you, Hope you'll come back one day.

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To mark World Cancer Day 2018, celebrates the work of the world-class UCL Cancer Institute, the hub of cancer research at UCL, and the individuals and institutions who support its work. https://t.co/SSleWRfVKz

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