i always stand up for that day , it means a lot to me 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈

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Yassin Chekkouh m’a envoyé ces screens pour montrer la sérophobie ordinaire sur Grindr.

« Non mais c’est pas bien d’être ici alors que tu as le VIH ».

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Even in my comics work, I try to do my part to tackle the stigma that still persists around HIV. That’s a big part of what makes Bear special to me in The Pride, as he shows a HIV+ man who is wise, sweet, charming and also tough as nails

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Meet who often kindly supports my art & is a fellowartist, as I just learned.

PS: HIV should matter to all who are s*xually active, Gay or not. PPL do cheat, so its good to be tested.

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In the age of U=U, the question whether to disclose your serostatus to a new sexual partner is a very personal decision fraught with potential anxiety. A&U's John Francis Leonard confronts that decision head-on. https://t.co/F2Pr3Fa9uj

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Une personne séropositive sous traitement avec une charge virale indétectable ne peut PAS transmettre le VIH et elle a une espérance de vie semblable à une personne séronégative.

Crédit image :

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Di tutte le leggende metropolitane legate all'#HIV, quella che racconta le persone sieropositive come partner a rischio è la +tossica.

è il nome del nostro prossimo intervento.
Perché chi si cura non può trasmettere il virus.
Ed è l'ora che si sappia.

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July 17th is “HIV Prevention Day”. It is a global initiative to try link people to affordable and accessible HIV interventions and the various preventative measures available

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The search for an cure must include women. Plus reflect the power of Heather Ellis, chair of Positive Women, says U=U is key in reducing stigma. It reduces fear by giving women the confidence to disclose their status.

👀the full article https://t.co/Se93vbbQiY

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