
4 51

it's been a while but I've been playing on/off

since last time I've found Fukuro & Uie in another himobi robot, fought Morikaze for the first time (barely making it out alive) then traveled to find Jack & Adukin, who are currently staying at this inn

0 6

边涂边回忆陈年旧糖,依旧齁甜齁甜 part2

12 27


8 70


4 17

190318 Uie仁川機場新聞圖 因畫報拍攝行程,去德國柏林

8 11

aprovecho para hacer estampados y dibujar a mi bb mujer(???

29 136

pues me parecio tan lindo que lo quise hacer <33
Dibujo de:
color: yo (?

39 116