Jer'sah is Vanu's father.
He had a strong rivalry with Kaam'ghaz.
His loa is Bethekk.
When Ukri died he blamed Kaam for letting her die, and so he was expelled.
A real jerk.
Really good hunter

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Young Kaam'ghaz and Ukri

The parents of En'jia

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Join us on 20 November for the next Round

'CPE bacteraemias' - Frances Davies, Consultant Microbiologist and CARP Fellow

'Using human genetics to understand life threatening infections' - , UKRI Future Leaders Fellow

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Feeling the ❤️ in Accra. Beautiful tie-dyed fabrics produced by women from Dodowa which provided the backdrop for our incredible performance by Noyam African Dance Institute at last night to mark start of Inequality and Development Hub

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