My kidself (major Hotwheels phase as a kiddo) is jonesing for the new Hotwheels game after watching the feature & gameplay trailers. Adultself is chasing kidself away because it's $50 bucks! Look here is an I.O.U. for later baby dergen.

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I started this like a month ago for the tag, but forgot about finishing it until the other day😅Anyway, have a mage of hope!

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i wanna join bein evil because i want to

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I'm late to trends but my

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My drawing has been so slow... But I redid my and honestly I'm v proud of it. I kinda look like a pirate. Not the vibe I was going for but... Still good nonetheless.

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I hate it. I wanna redraw it but uhhh. Started this two weeks ago. Got depressed. Now I'm here. Defo gonna redraw it because I love drawing myself but... Sylph of Breath here boiiiiii

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Yoooo that trend looked so dope. Redesigned my Maid of Hope godtier. Also would totally throw hands with Dirk.

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ultimate self thing sketch, still not sure if im 100% doom or not

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Oh I look like such a little shit.

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robots are for nerds!!! become the embodiment of aspect!

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Im a knight of hope but I kinda popped off and totally changed the entire design oops 🙈

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Harper (Mind)
- "if no one else will redistribute the wealth, i will"
- can steal ppls choices/ideas leaving them frozen with indecision
- "remember when i used to be indecisive like that?"

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Before anyone asks, standing on the side of the frame was a choice, not a mistake.

Idk which version I like better, the blue tinted is closer to what I was going for but I like the one without it too.

I’m a Witch of Mind, Grimdark with Time.

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actually made this design November of last year but lets fucking Go

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"i have suffered and i have learned,
freedom gained and bridges burned,
cutting all ties, connections bereft,
the mage of the skies, perfection of breath."

(hey, it's your local Mage of Breath's for Cro's art challenge!! <3)

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this is my ultimate self

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the page, fully realized, living that thembo lifestyle

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