madohomu in umistyle ..

11 16

References made by @/AllilumIsTyping

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I really just wanted to draw a lot of flowers and then turned this into a challenge for my discord. Feel free to join if you'd like! so I can see art work, no deadline or rewards just for fun!

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There's a crisis on the earth.

立ち上がれ U⭐︎MISTY‼️
Stand up. U⭐︎MISTY‼️

0 10

kikumisty is about a business lady cat accidentally stalking her dream girl. i think i finished it in like 2017? idk what time is. also they're named after my grandma's cats

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- 16v
- lukio oli kamalaa, alisuoritin kaikessa ja lintsasin jatkuvasti, olin tosi sairas, yksin ja epätoivonen
- päädyin muuttamaan mun hius- ja pukeutumistyylin täysin ku halusin elää true blondi twink -elämää
- loin mun nykyset oc't!!

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