UTT was so fun it's lovely seeing them chat together :D

83 443

thank you for UTT!!
congrats on your debut rt!

133 731

Thank you both so much for the amazing UTT ❤️ It was a joy listening to you talk ✨

64 351

Don't push yourself and plz have some decent rest, milord! Tmr is UTT collab day and it matters more. I hope it goes all smooth and you have fun then! You don't have to make it up for us. We love to see you happy and healthy! We'll wait till everything calms down!<3

0 23

It was such a great UTT today! You were talking about the things you both like & were so passionate about it! You found things in common! It was wholesome & funny stream! I like Doppio how sweet he was & I like what he was cooking😆 It was over so quick

2 15

Caught up with the UTT off-collab vod and Luxiem Game show was really fun!!
Bonus: note app edition

1 27

아이크랑 복스 UTT 살짝 돌려보고 있었는데
너무 골때림 얘 UTT날 지대로 취하고 나서부터는 시종일관 뿔난 눈썹 상태임
좀 덜 취했을 때도 눈썹혼자 자기주장 대박적임 평소의 차분한 일자눈썹 어디로 도망가고 자유분방한 눈썹의 향연 귀여워 뒤지겟어요

426 908

221107 LAMBROS 4시간 UTT
데워먹기 타래만 미리 해놔야지…😭

0 3

【UTT esp4】喝酒喝到一半跑去大亂鬥🤣

55 380

經過幾個世紀了我還stuck in UTT

69 301


559 3166

I want to check out the movies they talked about (in comment)↓

85 444


8 68

←Normal Drunk→

76 299