artwork by Ismail Maaish
Title: Unmeedhu
Medium: ink and watercolour
In a generation where people say the chaos will never end. Societies become so hopeless and scared to take action.

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artwork by Aishath Shuaila
Dreaming Under The Setting Sun Acrylic on canvas 3ft x 3ft. How often do we really pay attention to what’s going on inside us? Our attention is constantly stolen from us; through work, social media, tv, people around us.

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artwork by
My work for Unveiling Visions 2019 exhibition.
Drowned by love
Acrylic on canvas
36x48 inches

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artwork by Mariyam Nazeeha
My piece for this year's "Unveiling visions 2019"

Title: "I'm 1 in 10"
Size: 3x4 ft
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

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އަންވީލިންގ ވިޜަންސް 2019: ކޮންޓެމްޕޮރަރީ އާޓް އެގްޒިބިޝަން އާންމުކޮށް ހުޅުވިފައި ހުންނާނީ އޯގަސްޓް 4 ވަނަ ދުވަހުން ފެށިގެން 7 ވަނަ ދުވަހަށް، ހެނދުނު 09:00 ން ހަވީރު 06:00 ށް، އަދި ރޭގަނޑު 08:00 ން 11:00 ށް. އެގްޒިބިޝަން ކުރިއަށްދާނީ ނޭޝަނަލް އާޓް ގެލެރީގައި.

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Maldives contemporary art exhibition
Unveiling Visions - 2019
With 58 visual artists

3 - 7 August, at National Art Gallery

Supporting by
Printing partner

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