One of Italian art’s most sublime portraits is of Lucrezia Panciatichi where the sitter’s exquisite looks are presented in an elongated lyric fashion. Ugolino Martelli (1535), Portrait of a Young Man (1540), Bartolomeo Panciatichi (1540) & Lucrezia Panciatichi (1540)

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One of Italian art’s most sublime portraits is of Lucrezia Panciatichi where the sitter’s exquisite looks are presented in an elongated lyric fashion. Ugolino Martelli (1535), Portrait of a Young Man (1540), Bartolomeo Panciatichi (1540) & Lucrezia Panciatichi (1540)

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Another highlight of the in Paris, 18-23 May 2022 at Palais Brongniart. presents an unpublished sheet by (1775-1860), Le comte dans la tour de la Faim, 1821-22.

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🔥 Inferno - Canto XXXIII 🔥
Count Ugolino and his children in the dungeon
Illustration (detail) by Joshua Reynolds

Ξ 0.145 ➡

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In mostra itinerante (New York, Roma, ora Zurigo) con altre/i 20 autrici/autori all' . "Suggestioni, la Divina Commedia illustrata". Grazie a "Libreria in viaggio".
Allego anche una delle mie tre tavole: Il Conte Ugolino, Inferno, Canto XXXIII.

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2021 l’anno di Dante - Conte Ugolino versione 1 - La bocca sollevò dal fiero pasto quel peccator, forbendola a' capelli del capo ch'elli avea di retro guasto

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Another study, this time the statue Ugolino and His Sons by Jean-Babtiste Carpeaux. It’s insane how much I’m learning from these studies and my approach to my own drawings has improved a lot. I draw more 3D now

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La bocca sollevò dal fiero pasto
quel peccator, forbendola a' capelli
del capo ch'elli avea di retro guasto.

Poi cominciò:"Tu vuo’ ch’io rinovelli
disperato dolor che ’l cor mi preme
già pur pensando, pria ch’io ne favelli


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Art by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux - Ugolino and His Sons

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Hapishanede Count Ugolino ve Oğulları, William Blake

Grubun üzerinde uçan iki meleğin varlığı kurtuluşu müjdeliyor ve Blake'in yorumunda, Ugolino'nun en sonunda affedilmiş olduğu söylenebilir.

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Time lapse of mr ugolino thinking about eating his sons

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