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50 316

Despues de un duro entrenamiento en casa de Videl mientras Gohan daba clases sobre insectos luminosos en la universidad, Goku se reune con Bulma y 18...

Ahora subtitulado en español.

3356 29424

Originally, stars were plotted as luminosity against COLOR, and by color I mean the wavelength of the peak intensity 〰️

You would have short wavelengths on the left, and long ones on the right. This is standard convention in wavelength science.

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welp idk what is this

43 211

La vita è un arazzo e si ricama giorno dopo giorno con fili di molti colori,alcuni grossi e scuri,altri sottili e luminosi,tutti i fili servono Isabel Allende
Il quaderno di Maya
Vassillij Kandinskij

6 14

genderswap for april mop 😗🫴

ruka x dame barbara raon x dominika

23 68

finally rumi got to fulfil one of her bucket list (tbh i couldn’t really imagine the feel of holding barbatos horns 😂)

48 371

it’s rumi’s birthday yeay! 🌸🥳💕 she baked cupcakes for everyone so (if you happen to see this) feel free take your favourite one(s)🧁

33 138

Luminosity Qualifies without a single loss! See you all in Aeos Next Weekend!

2 117

Me eh encontrado un pequeño infante,uno que desprende un Aura pura y llena de luminosidad.
Pero no de él sino de alguien más...de todas formas lo cuidare y Ser a un Servidor Devoto a la Oscuridad.

7 34

Gli ho chiesto del futuro, se ancora lo vede luminoso.
"Ho letto troppi libri di storia" – mi ha risposto.
(Il vecchio professore, Wislawa Szymborska)

Corneliu Baba (1906 - 1997)

3 2

maple tree, bear’s paw

repost 🤦‍♀️ https://t.co/e0AmWJRxTS

1 4

"Alle spalle le noie e i grandi affanni
che caricano del loro peso l'esistenza brumosa.
Beato chi può con ala vigorosa
slanciarsi verso i campi sereni e luminosi."

Charles Baudelaire

6 10

Qual rugiada o qual pianto,
quai lagrime eran quelle
che sparger vidi dal notturno manto
e dal candido volto de le stelle? .....

Quale rugiada o quale pianto, quali lacrime erano quelle che vidi sparse dal cielo notturno e dal volto luminoso delle stelle?

Torquato Tasso -1580

5 10

everytime she gets into trouble (accidentally) or has a bad day, he always comes to her rescue

16 63

Can’t resist the luminosity of ink on paper. Collage style vibes. The Japanese rice paper just gives the Arches Watercolour paper a different depth. Working really well here. Love the balance and push/pull factor of the forms here. The colour blends are pushed to another level.

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Huaishen J is an Artist based in Sacramento, United States. Their portraits and digital art have an ethereal luminosity to them...

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In the March/April issue, ALICE and LHCb chart a course for the High-Luminosity LHC, theorist Veronica Sanz argues for future exploration, translating big science into applications, sizing up the proton, sterile neutrinos, inexplicable photons, and more:


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