"Matured" Kosaku Kawajiri (Kira) & Killer Queen w/ Hayato Kawajiri & Stray Cat (Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakble)

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Dessa vez o de se vc curtiu ficarei feliz se retuitar para para que mais fãs vejam, e diga qual o próximo Jojo que vc quer ver eu desenhando em minhas lives.

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壊れゆくすべてと、壊れないなにかと - 悠久のユーフォリア (田中美海) (永遠のアセリア The Unbreakble Thing)

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FM OH!「Music Bit」にてMini Albumのリード曲「理想像」の初オンエア皆様お聴き頂けましたでしょうか😆💕

FM OH!の皆様、遠藤さん、坂口さん有り難うございます☺️!!

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I got through it without it breaking! Ironically, the details made Kirishima's Unbreakble pumpkin SUPER BREAKABLE and fragile! I was scared I'd wreck the pumpkin (I couldn't afford to buy another if I screwed up!). Phew!

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