IN CINEMAS TONIGHT! 'An exquisite production. Perfection.’ (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Filmed during the global pandemic, with an exquisite ensemble cast comes to the big screen. Find a screening & book last-minute tickets to this must-see event:

10 16

Why does Mr Armitage not share his selfies on Twitter no more? And why does he look peeky/peaky?
And thank you for supporting the idea of UncleVanya being released on Disc. I TRULY fear for my movies lately.. Some people just can't, like majority can. In several ways..

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True, sadly. PLayed @ school (must have been HORRIBLE, yet capable of recalling long texts) in GDR. But never was able 2go + = depend on Assistance. Wish I could see UncleVanya so much.. Saw my first play via YT, age 42 week b4 last!

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TY, Mr M. Here is the fininshed painting. PLs forgive my late response, mean NO harm. I hope you can work a bit these days, inspite the isolation.
On classic, Pelikan Schoolcolours.

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Thanks to for accepting my request and drawing this portrait of Dr. Astrov for me. I will treasure it.

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This is more roundedly entertaining than other recent productions but excellent performances from and bring clarity and meaning to its emotional undercurrents as well

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Could not resist this close up and the unruly hair. ❤️

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Loving these close ups too. Kudos to the photographer and the lighting. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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definitely the vision of in Rehearsal Photos. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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on adapting Anton Chekhov’s masterpiece

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Monday Musing. “What must human beings be, to destroy what they can never create?” - Anton Chekhov, Uncle Vanya

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