Joining in on the I'm a grand total of 0ft6!

May open for commissions soon..

4 12

Too specific 😂 I have to join in

0 7

Wait, I wanna be friends with all these

I'm 5'1'' and have gone by Peti(te) for so long I can barely remember my real name 👋

5 44

Hello There My Name is
I am a 21 yr old 5ft 2 Self Taught Artist & This is my work of Art!
No Matter how small or tall u are being yourself and being creative is the best thing to be
Always believe n yourself no matter what

1 3

I don't know why this tag exists, but I'm in it, so hello to my fellow Aren't we all just the cutest little buttons?

Here's some art, and I also make a webcomic:

0 3