
Art by Juanjo Castellano.

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This month's Patreon painting is Wei Shi Lindon from Cradle by Will Wight.

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I shilled this game too much that some people genuinely thought that I made this game. God, I hope so, because it sure is the best action-adventure game released this year.

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<네오위즈 PC 신작 ‘언소울드’, 크리에이터 테스트 진행>

■ 모집 대상
Unsouled에 대한 관심이 많은 크리에이터

■ 모집 일정
7월 19일 ~ 7월 21일

■ 테스트 기간
7월 23일 ~ 7월 30일 (일주일간 진행)

■ 신청 링크

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Fast phone sketch while reading ( series by )

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Details of the new cover artwork I did for UNSOULED!!
The album titled Evolve.
UNSOULED includes members of GLOOM.
This artwork looks different, a more modern, sophisticated touch .... I really enjoyed this work.
What do you think? Its not typical Juanjo Castellano stuff.

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First fanart for 's Cradle series.

Painting this piece helped me through some of these tough days after the loss of my cat. It's only fitting that it's a bust of Suriel.

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On va tester des petites démo tape à l’œil en fin d'aprem avec le Steam Festival !

Au programme :


N'hésitez pas à passer voir ce que ça donne !

Passez un excellent Vendredi l'équipe !

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Demos anyone? has trial runs available for the tactics game and action-rpg

Announcement: https://t.co/fis056tJ6z

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Album: UNSOULED "Evolve"
I did this cover artwork for UNSOULED debute album.
UNSOULED includes members of GLOOM.
This piece is a bit different of some of my classic paintings, but I really likes the style.

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We are excited to reveal the main artwork for our upcoming Action-RPG coming to later this year.

What do you think? Atmospheric? Haunting? Colourful? Share your thoughts!

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Details of the cover artwork I did for UNSOULED album Evolve.
UNSOULED includes members of GLOOM.
This artwork is a bit different of some of my classic paintings, but I really likes the style.

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Happy new year! We're back in the office after a much needed rest, and ready for 2020! We've got a ton of great indie titles coming this year, which are you looking forward to most?

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An atmospheric action RPG about a mysterious power used with deadly purpose, featuring fast-paced, highly-stylized and rewarding combat.


By and

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Our awesome Action-RPG is being made by just one man – South Korean developer Jinsub Jung. His talents include programming, art, music, and writing.

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Atmospheric action RPG Unsouled announced for PC https://t.co/VyaLgBX3FB

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