【FoT Anniversary Celebration·Outfits Rerun】
"Outfit of brilliance, Remembering the past."

⭐30/9 - 20/10: part of the Outfits will rerun, 50 ea
⭐Reruns: Fairy 1, Azure, Animate, DNF, Qixi2021, MM, Masquerade, Ragnarok

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【Until The End of Time·Outing Outfit and Exclusive Wings】
-328 for all 5 fits+5 wings+5 bgs+3 oil paints
-68 for 1 fit+1 wing+1 bg/4 oil paints
-198 for 3 fits+3 wings+ 3 bgs
-258 for 4 fits+4 wings+4 bgs

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⭐Obtain their SSR cards to get their Avatar
>Ayn [Pale Heart of Flame]
>Alkaid [Ruler of Star Garden]
>Rorschach [Destroyed Voidness]
>Clarence [Silence Moon Facade]
>Emerald [Lost End of World]

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【Until The End of Time· [Finale] Themed Avatar】
"Walking to the end of time, with you being the only eternal."

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叶瑄 Emerald - 落幕华章 Closing Masterpiece
【Have you tried to build a heart with an undissolvable coldness?】
【I will return here together with the light I've lost. You must wait for me.】

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司岚 Clarence (SSR) - 永恒不灭 Perpetually Indestructible
【Those, are the flame burning underneath the ice.】
【I will be with you, witnessing the finale to the ending together.】

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罗夏 Rorschach (SSR) - 逸乐飨宴 Pleasurable Feast
【The world outside are filled with dangers, while humans long for a wider land.】
【We control everything with reasons, everything but love.】

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路辰 Alkaid - 不调华庭 Unwithering Garden of Prosper
【Yes, Mission Target reclaimed. Everything is under control.】
【Before we met, I have been gazing at you for a very, very long time.】

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艾因 Ayn (SSR) - 憾恨之世 World of Remorse and Hatred
【The feelings from words untold will never disappear, they are merely buried.】
【How does a heart contains the pain of millions? I can't find the answer.】

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