Awww thank you forgot to post the pics of the pour. 🙄
Here they are, not done one for a while but hooked again now I think!
Need to do a Dolly next!

3 7

Love this new bridal bouquet just sent out! The book pages are my favorite. Find more and here:

2 3

What a great line-up we had last week for the No 1 was , No 2 and joint No 3 was our cousin and ... who will be running down the red carpet tonight? Join us at 8 and find out!

3 13

In second place in our taken from last week's feed, is with two fantastic designs that fit so well with tonight's theme of Well done Sue, stunning work as ever: 5RTs 16Likes

5 13

Hello i tweeted this today so im repeating myself! Ive a few pieces to do, each chair is to be a different season and a larger table illustrating all 4 seasons. Heres the Harvest Chair & the Rose & Ivy Table

5 15

Handpainted little table top. Client requested butterflies, ivy & roses for the little table. Part of a Collection of Special Things. 🌹

4 15

It’s fabulous, it’s available now and it’s something you’ll want to show off in all the right places! Win this pouch from in the competition:

1 4

Evening No new finished pieces yet but here’s a sneaky peak at our latest project!

3 17

thought I'd show you my reupholstered handpainted chair and handpainted silk, inspired by 20thC French oil on canvas Celadon paintings.

4 12

Last week's second place was member . Her inspired use of wallpaper to this table was admired by many, what a fabulous piece of it is

3 6

In second place in tonight's its member and unique with this dynamic use of wallpaper - what a flamboyant feature with a fabulous finish this table is - 16RTs 45Likes

6 25

Some pics of my demo yesterday, upcycling furniture &fabric Cork , great fun sharing, chatting, creating

2 4

Hi our favourite piece this week. A mid century industrial saw bench frame with antique pine reclaimed timber added. We love it 😍

3 17

Drats!! missed - making these for the Christmas market this Saturday

1 6

All set to head to tomorrow for on Sunday. Looking forward to running demos and meeting some wonderfully creative people!Finishing off my piece in my demo and will have these other pieces with me too

1 14

Hi everyone, finally made it with few minutes to spare
Working on my piece bit more stencilling work to go. How’s everyone else got on?

3 10